Digital Day Camp, produced by Rob Beeler and David U.K., will be a day of sharing ideas to move digital advertising forward in Canada. We will discuss key topics not only at a strategic level but also at a practical level. You will leave the event with ideas on transforming the industry and your company's future.
The agenda is focused on a collaboration between publishers, agencies, brands and ad tech partners to share ideas to move digital advertising forward in Canada and transform the industry and our future.
8:00 - 9:00
Registration / Breakfast
28th floor | 1 Hour
Welcome! Start your day with us by joining for registration and a light breakfast. Network, grab a coffee, and get ready for the inspiring day ahead.
9:15 - 9:45
It's never been more important for this industry to ensure we meet our advertisers' and audiences' needs. Innovation is required, but innovation should not add complexity. Instead, we all need to collaborate to make it easier for us all to work together.
Moving the Canadian Marketplace Forward
Main Presentation Area | 30 Minutes
9:45 - 10:05
Transition Time
10:05 - 10:50
As individual content creators impact the buying decisions of millions, advertisers, agencies and media companies must adopt and adapt to this change. Caroline Moul, President, PHD and David U.K. will discuss how this trend will impact our industry.
The Rise of the Influencer in Media
Main Presentation Area | 45 Minutes
This roundtable discussion led by Devon MacDonald, President, Cairns Oneil and Deborah Gurofsky, VP Partnerships, Media Pulse will build off what we can all agree upon: brands are at risk if they show up in the wrong places. All of us should be working to solve for that need.
Brand Safety Can Save Us All
30th Floor S/W Waterfront | 45 Minutes
Digging into how unique Commerce Media networks are starting to pop up in Canada, and doubling down on some of the content and partnerships in the US to scale addressability in Canada, and reach consumers in new and unique ways, wherever they are in their journey.
The Evolution of Retail Media, and a
Shift to Commerce Media
Breakout - 29th Floor S/W Waterfront | 45 Minutes
The number of new regulations and the extent of the impact they will have to our industry and beyond is daunting. We must educate ourselves on what these regulations mean and make sure as an industry we comply and be vocal about what we support and what we disagree with. Sonia Carreno, President, IAB, will help lead a roundtable discussion with Brandon Grosvenor, CRO of The Toronto Star.
Privacy Means Changing the Industry
Boardroom 29th Floor S/E Corner | 45 Minutes
10:50 - 11:15
Networking Break
11:15 - 12:00
The points of purchase are now everywhere and with this change, the traditional sales funnel flattens. Marketing, advertising and media all play essential parts of a commerce-driven world. Nikki Stone, Chief Commercial Officer, Group M and guest will change your perception of what is possible.
Commerce Beyond Retail Media
Mainstage 29th Floor | 45 Minutes
Attention metrics have the potential to transform how we think about buying and selling digital advertising—but only if everyone does it differently. Let's move toward standardization and make attention metrics front and center.
Paying Attention to Attention Metrics
30th Floor S/W Waterfront | 45 Minutes
At a time when measurement and attribution are growing in importance, signal loss is challenging our ability to provide this essential data. Let's discuss navigating a future where third-party cookies aren't here to help be a common tool.
A Cookieless Conversation
Breakout - 29th Floor S/W Waterfront | 45 Minutes
The world operates beyond targeting users with advertising. AI, commerce and other trends can unlock value in assets you have, but aren't assigning a value to. Sarah Thompson, Strategic Advisor, will outline a new way to think about the future for media owners.
The First-Party Data You're Letting Go to Waste
Boardroom 29th Floor S/E Corner | 40 Minutes
12:00 - 12:15
Transition Time
12:15 - 12:30
Morning Wrap-Up
15 Minutes
Morning sessions complete. Take a break, stretch, and get ready for more insightful discussions in the afternoon. See you back soon.
12:30 - 1:00
What worked before will not work going forward. AI, regulation, a shifting agency landscape and even the nature of work have seen that. A new plan needs to be built with stronger fundamentals and innovation at its core. Tim Ringel, Global CEO of Meet the People will share his vision of the future.
Redefining the Playbook: The Next Era of
Media and Marketing
Mainstage 29th Floor | 30 Minutes
1:00 - 2:00
28th Floor | 1 Hour
Join us on the 28th floor for a casual meal while connecting with fellow attendees. A perfect time to refuel, recharge, and build valuable connections before the afternoon sessions begin.
2:00 - 2:30
Advertising is the engine on which the economy runs, but when revenue from advertising isn't spent locally it hurts Canadian media companies. Shannon Lewis, President, Canadian Media Directors' Council, will talk with Jennifer Hollett, Exec. Dir. of The Walrus about the Canadian Media Manifesto.
Healthy Media Means a Healthy Society
Mainstage 29th Floor | 30 Minutes
2:30 - 2:50
Transition Time
2:50 - 3:30
Client demands have changed post-pandemic, and with that change, so has the role of agencies. Urania Agas, Chief Client Officer, Group M Canada, and Esther Benzie, marketing consultant, will delve into what this means for brands, agencies, and everyone else in the industry.
What's Next for Agencies and Brands?
Mainstage 29th Floor | 40 Minutes
Today's data collaboration solutions offer a glimpse into how our industry will transact in the future. However, they require a lot of effort. It's time to discuss shifting data collaboration from manual to automatic.
Data Collaboration: Now and in the Future
30th Floor S/W Waterfront | 40 Minutes
Brands have set the bar high for Retail Media Networks to deliver on their promise and this is having a ripple effect through the rest of the industry. Dive into what RMNs mean for the future of agencies, publishers and other players in the ad tech space.
Retail Media Revolution:
Transforming the Advertising Landscape
29th Floor S/W Waterfront | 40 Minutes
The composition of our industry should mirror the diverse Canadian nature of the audiences we want to engage with. From media plans to the content we create, diversity provides better results. Yet there is fear that some progress made in the last few years will be lost. Let's discuss how to regain and maintain momentum in supporting the most important part of ad tech: the people.
Diversity in Leadership, Media and Tech
Boardroom 29th Floor S/E Corner | 45 Minutes
3:30 - 3:50
Transition Time
3:50 - 4:20
Each step we take forward to automate the supply chain only stresses the importance of knowing who you are working with and aligning to bring successful business outcomes. Kristy Quagliariello, Vice President, Programmatic Media at Klick, and Alex Gardner, Chief Revenue Officer of the Index Exchange will share their thoughts on the future of digital advertising in Canada.
Partnerships are More than APIs
Mainstage 29th Floor | 30 Minutes
4:20 - 4:30
Wrap Up
4:30 - 6:00
Join us for the end-of-day reception. Relax, network, and enjoy refreshments as we wrap up a great day of learning and connections.